Lorenzo Hernández
My photogram
Paper book / Libro papel
Lorenzo Hernandez belongs to a family of printers known as “Los Castros” in La Orotava, the beautiful village in the north side of the Teide, in the island of Tenerife, where they come from. His grandfather founded the first printing house almost one hundred years ago and most of the family has followed in his footsteps. Years later, his father moved to Santa Cruz and decided to start his own business. His first memories are the ones of a child running between the printing machinery, enjoying its characteristic sound. He also remembers the smell of the ink that the workers mixed with a small palette knife, as if they were preparing the cream for a cake. His mother says that he used to sleep his siesta on the reams of paper while she gave a hand in the workshop.
He always felt attracted by the different letters, the big ones made of wood, the small ones made of metal. These became his first toys. His father taught him many things but he would highlight just two. First, he made Lorenzo discover the art of photography, opening for him the door of the dark room they had in their old house. The second could be described as the love-hate relationship he had with the printing house. As the eldest son, his destiny was to follow his father in the business. He spent his holidays arranging texts or acting as a debt collector. This is something he hated, but he taught himself a couple of lessons about life. Interestingly, it was photography what eventually would drive him away from the life his father had planned for him.
After his father’s death, the only thing Lorenzo still have from the printing house is a few letters that form the name of his daughter, Carla, which he always have in display at home. As he got older, Lorenzo began to appreciate his father’s lessons, even if he had seen them as a burden in his youth. And when a colleague from London suggested that he opened an Instagram account, unconsciously Lorenzo began to merge those two worlds that his father opened for him. Every day he played with new fonts and images responding to different images. At the same time, he started to recover old photographs, giving them a new life in this photo-typographic adventure. My Photogram is an homage to Los Castros and in particular to his father who, after all, taught him to love the art of printing.
Lorenzo Hernandez (Tenerife, 1959) pertenece a una familia de impresores, “Los Castro”, como se les conoce en su villa natal de La Orotava, en la falda norte del Teide. Su abuelo fundó la primera imprenta hace casi cien años y prácticamente toda la familia ha seguido sus pasos. Sus primeros recuerdos son los de un niño que corría entre las máquinas, con ese sonido tan característico, y con ese olor a tinta. Su padre le enseñó muchas cosas pero él remarcaría dos. En primer lugar, le hizo descubrir la fotografía, abriéndole la puerta al cuarto oscuro que tenían en su antigua casa. La segunda es un poco el amor-odio que llegó a sentir por la imprenta, pues al ser el hijo mayor, su destino era continuar con el negocio. Curiosamente, la fotografía fue lo que le abrió un mundo diferente que le alejaba del proyecto de vida que le había adjudicado su padre.
Muchos años después, cuando un compañero de Londres le animó a que abriese una cuenta de Instagram, inconscientemente empezó a unir esos dos mundos. Cada día iba jugando con nuevas fuentes y palabras según le inspirara la fotografía. Al mismo tiempo, empezó a sacar de su archivo antiguas imágenes que cobraron nueva vida en esta aventura foto-tipográfica. My Photogram, su quinto libro de fotografía publicado por Aurora Boreal®, es un homenaje a los Castro y en especial a su padre, que a pesar de todo, le enseñó a amar la imprenta.