Yolanda Campuzano A. – ‘What happened to us? The Colombian Armed Conflict Told to the Young


SKU: ISBN 978-87-93935-34-1-2 Categoría:


The Colombian Armed Conflict


What happened to us?
The Colombian Armed Conflict Told to the Young
© Yolanda Campuzano A.
© Editorial Aurora Boreal® ebook
Historical memory

Translation by Ana María Carvajal Jaramillo

Original title: ¿Qué nos pasó? El conflicto armado contado a los jóvenes
ISBN 978-87-93935-34-1
Pages 151

Collection designer Leo Larsen
Cover illustration © Laura Ospina Montoya
Editor Guillermo Camacho



This text is a summary of the armed conflict in Colombia, which will take a good couple of hours for you to read. But you can also read the book by chapters. It is written in simple language, and it will help you understand the genesis of the conflict in Colombia: who its protagonists were, how many victims it left behind, what the Violence was, what the National Front meant, and how the guerrillas and paramilitaries formed. It will tell you how drug trafficking and the Cold War affected the conflict, what its causes were, why the land problem has been the origin of violence, and why agrarian reforms and other peace processes have failed. All of these issues are key to understanding why the conflict lasted more than half a century, and why we reached a Peace Agreement with many sticks in the wheels. The book synthesizes political violence in Colombia, from the War of a Thousand Days until now. Here we have a contribution to create post-memory of young and old readers.

Yolanda Campuzano A.
Colombia, 1948. She studied at the Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecología at Universidad de Antioquia. She worked atl ICFES and Editorial Norma. Yolanda started as a writer of children’s stories for her grandchildren, family and friends and as a pensioner she wrote this book in 2019.

Laura Ospina Montoya
Colombia, 1994. Journalist from Universidad de Antioquia and cartoonist. She has illustrated for the newspapers Universo Centro and El Colombiano.


Información adicional


Yolanda Campuzano A.





ISBN 978-87-93935-34-1


